Can I find out more about depth sensor AHRS?

Ben Grant, Managing Director of Impact Subsea answers questions live. - Can I find out more about depth sensor AHRS?

Can I find out more about depth sensor AHRS? – Transcript

I’m just looking at some other questions that we sometimes get asked.

One question that sometimes comes up is with regards to the ahrs so the attitude and heading reference system.

So within the ISD4000 you always get pressure, depth and temperature readings but you also optionally get attitude, heading reference system and this will provide you with heading, pitch and roll.

Pitch and roll to within 0.2 degrees and heading to within 1 degree of magnetic North.

We hope that helps answer your questions on depth sensor AHRS. If you want any more information on the ISD4000 you’ll find the latest data sheet, manuals, demonstration videos and more technical information on our ISD4000 product Page

or you can drop us an email at we’ll answer any technical questions that you have.


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